J. Lynn Earle

I started Live By Design Inspirational Artwork shortly after becoming a mother. A battle with post-partum depression evolved into a free-fall of unconscious, auto-pilot triggers and reactions. I found myself a depressed shell of my former-self with an 18 month old and six month old in tow — my life was quickly falling apart around me.

Then, it hit me.
(Literally my stopped vehicle was hit at 60mph.)

That physical jarring is apparently what it took to get my attention and that day I decided to take my life in a new direction.


I dove head-first into every self-help book and workshop I could afford. I researched wisdom from leading experts in neuroscience and psychiatry, bio-hackers, best-selling authors, personal-development experts, religious texts, and even ancient wisdom from monks.

Using what I learned from their practices, I slowly started to implement intentional changes in myself, my life, and my relationships.

Just as soon as I’d begun the journey, I started seeing positive changes in all areas of my life. The only hang up was, as a work-from-home, stay-at-home mom to two toddlers, it was HARD.

I would do great for a while, life would get busy, and I’d fall off the wagon. If I accomplished all the tasks my family needed, then I struggled to keep mindful in the moments. I was making progress, but not consistently enough.

I had been overwhelmed by the demands of my work/life balance exacerbated by the pressure of making sure I specifically showed up for my son with special needs.

I decided to put my fine-art degree and graphic design skills to use and create mindful reminders to decorate my home with, to help keep me aware of my goals.

And so I first created the piece “How They Feel” and hung it in my kitchen as a visual cue to get back to the moment. Finally, I was able to recall and exercise that awareness muscle in the present moments with my kids. The more I noticed it, the better I became of making my new intentional habit stick. The positive change in my children was undeniable.

If I could help even a few people connect to the better version of themselves that they sometimes forget to be — imagine how many lives would change for the better.

I create these original pieces through my original photography, graphic design, and writing, to infuse each piece with the wisdom, love, and hope that I’ve gathered along my journey, in order to help you through yours.

Thanks for stopping by
J.Lynn Earle

“Awareness is all well and good,…
if only you remember to be aware.”

-J . Lynn Earle